Administrator Tools

The Assessment & Evaluation Dashboard has many helpful tools for administrators


Assessment & Evaluation Dashboard
Medtech: Admins, Staff: Admins, Staff: Pcoordinators and Faculty:Directors can access Admin > Assessment & Evaluation to monitor the status of assessment and evaluation tasks. Program Coordinators and Faculty Directors can only access content associated with their course(s). Admin > Assessment and Evaluation is a useful access point to send reminders for specific tasks, monitor task progress, and review prompted responses.  The dashboard defaults to view the Assessments, and Evaluations are accessible in the dashboard by clicking on the Evaluations tab. 
Sample Admin > Assessment & Evaluation view in a non-CBME enabled organization

Assessments and Evaluations Tabs

Click 'Assessments' or 'Evaluations' to toggle between the types of tasks you are reviewing. Remember, in Elentra Assessments are about learners, and Evaluations are about other things (e.g., faculty, courses, rotations, events).
Outstanding tasks include those that have been delivered but are not yet complete. Hover over the grey number in the targets column to view all targets included in the task. Quickly view expiry dates if applicable, and optionally send reminders or delete tasks from this tab.
 Upcoming tasks include those that are scheduled for delivery in the future.
Deleted tasks have been deleted by a user.
Optionally hide tasks you no longer need to view by checking the box in the Hide column and clicking 'Hide Selected Tasks'.
Please note that tasks will show up under this tab only when they have had their terminal phase completed. This means that tasks that are initiated on demand and might be started by a learner, then completed by a preceptor will only show on this tab when the preceptor has completed/confirmed the task (i.e., complete and confirm via PIN and complete and confirm via email tasks). If a task has been submitted by a learner but not completed by a preceptor it will not be stored here yet (it will be in the Outstanding tab). Tasks that have a Reviewer associated with the distribution will not be Complete until the reviewer has marked the task complete.
Prompted Responses
The Prompted Responses tab will display all completed tasks that include items where users selected prompted responses. (Recall that a prompted response is set per item when items are created.)
Users can view the completed task by clicking on the task title. The prompted response will be emphasized with a red exclamation point.
Viewing a prompted response on a completed form
If a user has responsibility to act on a prompted responses, they should use the personalized Prompted Response Tab accessible from their Assessment and Evaluation badge (if enabled by the organization). From that tab users can review prompted responses, leave comments, and see who else has reviewed the prompted responses.
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Filters on the A & E Dashboard

On the A & E dashboard tab, tasks can be filtered to easily view outstanding, upcoming, deleted, and completed tasks, as well as prompted responses.
  • Click on the task status you want to review (e.g. Outstanding, Deleted, etc.)

  • Enter a search term (e.g. a user name or form title).

  • Apply a delivery type filter if desired (e.g. distribution based).

  • Set a date range if desired.

  • Click on a task to view it in a new tab

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Field Display Options

Click the Field Display Option button to optionally add additional fields to your dashboard display
  • Start and End Date - represents the start and end date or the relevant task (if defined, e.g., in a distribution or when a task is initiated on-demand).
  • Course - the course a task is tied to.
  • Event - the event a task is tied to (if applicable).
  • Choosing a field will add the appropriate labels to the tasks in the Tasks column.

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CBE Assessment Tools

From the A&E Dashboard, administrators can launch CBE On-Demand Workflows; and can enter completed CBE assessment forms on behalf of assessors.


Record Assessment

The administrator Record Assessment tool is to be used for forms that a user could initiate on demand (e.g. CBME forms or other assessment workflows). A user cannot record a task using a form that is configured to be sent only via a distribution via this method (you can go into the task via the distribution dashboard and complete it from that view). This allows faculty to complete a pen and paper version of a form and still have the data entered into Elentra. To enter a completed on-demand form on someone's behalf:

Step 1: Navigate to the A&E Dashboard. Click on the 'Record Assessment' button.
Step 2: Select the target learner, and the assessor who completed the paper form.
Step 3: Select the appropriate course, form, and encounter date.
Step 4: Click on Begin Assessment to launch the form. 
Step 5: Transcribe the completed form details into the Elentra form.  Submit upon completion. 

Trigger Assessment

Administrative users have the ability to trigger an assessment to send tasks on an as needed basis. This might be useful if a specific learner does not have enough assessments in a specific area or there is a reason to prompt a specific assessor to complete a task on a specific learner.

Step 1: Navigate to the A&E Dashboard. Click on the 'Trigger Assessment' button.

Step 2: Click 'Trigger Assessment'.

Step 3: Complete the following selections: 

  • Select a learner.
  • Select an assessor.
  • Define a form type (e.g. CBME or Generic).
  • Set a Start and End Date for the Assessment (this defines the period of time the assessment addresses).
  • Optionally set the assessment as mandatory. (This means the asessor will not be able to delete the task.)
  • Optionally indicate if feedback is required for the assessments. For more information about Form Feedback, see the Knowledge Base article here.
  • Optionally set prompted response notifications. For more information on Prompted Responses, see the Knowledge Base article here

Step 4: Click 'Get Tools'. Search for the appropriate tool as needed.

Step 5: Click 'Preview This Form' to confirm you have the form you want or click 'Send Assessment' to send the assessment to the selected assessors.
  • You will be prompted to optionally provide an Assessment Cue. This can be a short note to explain the context of the assessment. The text entered will display at the top of a form when the assessor is completing it.
Step 6: Click 'Send Assessment.'

A green success message will display at the top of the page and you will be returned to the beginning of the bulk trigger assessment process to repeat if needed.

Trigger Bulk Assessment

Administrative users have the ability to trigger bulk assessments to send tasks to multiple assessors, for multiple targets, in the combinations required. Forms must be permissioned to specific courses to be triggered using this tool.


Step 1: Navigate to the A&E Dashboard. Click on the 'Trigger Assessment' button.

Step 2: Click 'Trigger Bulk Assessment'.

Step 3: Select a course/program. 

Step 4: Select an assessor and target(s) as required. Note that to search for targets you will need to filter by curriculum period. For each target you can set a start and end date to reflect what the assessment period should be. 

Step 5: To add additional assessors (and targets) click the 'Add Assessor' button.

Step 6: Optionally set the assessments as mandatory.

Step 7: Optionally indicate if feedback is required for the assessments. For more information about Form Feedback, see the Knowledge Base article here.

Step 8: Optionally set prompted response notifications. For more information on Prompted Responses, see the Knowledge Base article here.  

Step 9: Click 'Tools'. The tools returned will be those that are permissioned to the course/program you selected at the top of the page.

Step 10: Click 'Preview This Form' to confirm you have the form you want or click 'Send Assessment' to send the assessment to the selected assessors.

Step 11: You will be prompted to optionally provide an Assessment Cue. This can be a short note to explain the context of the assessment. The text entered will display at the top of a form when the assessor is completing it.

Step 12: Click 'Send Assessment.'

A green success message will display at the top of the page and you will be returned to the beginning of the bulk trigger assessment process to repeat if needed.

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Send Reminders

Send Reminders from the Admin. A & E Dashboard

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Step 2: Filter the task list as necessary to find the task(s) you want.
Step 3: Check the box under the bell icon on the right side of the task table.
Step 4: Click 'Send Reminders'. You will see a summary of the reminders that will be sent (e.g. assessor name and number of notifications). Click 'Confirm Reminders'.
You will get a success message. Close the success message to return to the A & E Dashboard.

Send Reminders from a Distribution

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Step 2: Click the Distributions tab.
Step 3: Find the appropriate distribution and click on the title, or use the cog icon and select 'View Distribution Report'.
Step 4: From the Not Started or In Progress tab, find the appropriate task,  Check the box under the bell icon. 
Step 5: Click 'Manage Distribution' and select 'Send Reminders'. You will get a confirmation message and see a summary of the reminders to be send (e.g. assessor name). Click 'Confirm Reminders'.
You will get a success message. Close the success message to return to the Distribution Report.
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Forwarding Tasks

Administrators can forward tasks on behalf of assessors/evaluators.
Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation. Filter the task list as necessary to find the task you want.
Step 2: Open the task.
Step 3: Click 'Forward Task'
Step 4: Choose a user to forward the task to. Note that emails will be sent to the old and new assessor/evaluator.
Step 5: Click 'Forward Task'.
You will get a success message. Close the success message to return to the A & E Dashboard.

Viewing Forwarded Tasks in A Distribution Progress Page

The task will be removed from the original assessor's task list. The newly generated task will display for the new assessor and will be labelled "Forwarded."

Note: You cannot send reminders, nor delete forwarded tasks from the distribution progress page. Instead you would need to do so from the Admin > A & E Dashboard.

Completed forwarded tasks are included in a Weighted CSV report generated for a distribution.

Caution: If a task is forwarded more than once, anything beyond the second task will not display on the distribution progress report at all.

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Reopen and Edit Completed Forms

Reopening completed forms is an optional feature that can be turned on or off in the database settings file depending on how your organization wants to use it.
Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation. Filter the task list as necessary to find the completed task you want to reopen. 
Step 2: Open the task.
Step 3: Click the "Reopen Task" button just below the form title. A window will appear.
Step 4: Provide a reason to reopen the task (e.g. was accidentally deleted, was missing data, other). 
Step 5: Click 'Reopen Task'. 
Once reopened, a user can complete the task and submit it on behalf of the original assessor, or they can forward the task to the original assessor to update.

Note: To delete a completed task, it must first be re-opened. 

Use with caution!
This tool should be used judiciously to ensure that residents are not ”gaming” the system and bullying anyone into changing their assessments to be more favorable.
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Delete and Recover/Reopen Tasks

Delete Tasks from the Admin. A & E Dashboard

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation. Filter the task list as necessary to find the task you want.
Step 2: Check the box under the trash can icon on the right side of the task table
Step 3: Click 'Delete Task(s)'. 
Step 4: Provide a reason for deleting the task and optionally provide additional notes. The reason entered will be displayed when tasks are viewed on the Deleted tab
Step 5: Click 'Remove Task(s)'. 
You will get a success message. Close the success message to return to the A & E Dashboard.

Delete Tasks from a Distribution

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation. 
Step 2: Click the Distributions tab.
Step 3: Find the appropriate distribution and click on it or use the cog icon and select 'View Distribution Report'.
Step 4: Click on a tab (e.g., Not Started) to view tasks.
Step 5: Check the box under the trash can icon on the right side of the task table.
Step 6: Click 'Delete Task(s)'. 
Step 7: Provide a reason for deleting the task and optionally provide additional notes. The reason entered will be displayed when tasks are viewed on the Deleted tab.
Step 8: Click 'Remove Task(s)'. 
You will get a success message.

Reopen Deleted Tasks from the Admin. A & E Dashboard 

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation. Toggle to the Assessment or Evaluations view as needed.
Step 2: Click the Deleted tab. Filter the task list as necessary to find the task you want.
Step 3: Click on a task to view it.
Step 4: Click 'Reopen Task'.
Step 5: Provide a reason for reopening the task.
Step 6: Click 'Reopen Task'.
The task will now display under the Outstanding tab and the admin dashboard and will be set to in-progress for the task owner. New notifications will not automatically be sent.

Recover Deleted Tasks in Distributions 

Step 1: Navigate to Admin > Assessment & Evaluation.
Step 2: Click the Distributions tab. Find the appropriate distribution and click on it or use the cog icon and select 'View Distribution Report'.
Step 3: Click on a tab (e.g., Not Started) to view tasks.
Step 4: Check the box under the trash can icon on the right side of the task table. 
Step 5: Click 'Recover Task(s)'. 
You will get a success message and the task will appear as active on the task list.
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Extend On-Demand Task Expiry Dates (CBE Only)

If an administrator is looking at a task with an expiry date, she can extend that date if needed. (This option will display when the task was initiated on-demand by a user AND an organization has their database setting to apply automatic expiry dates to on-demand forms enabled.) For more information on On-Demand Workflows see the Knowledge Base article.
Step 1: Navigate to the A&E Admin dashboard. Locate the task.
Step 2:Click 'Reset Expiry' in the top right
Step 3: Check the date indicated as the new expiry date
Step 4: Confirm by clicking 'Reset Expiry'
You will return to the view of the task.  If users view the task from their Assessment & Evaluation badge, they'll see the updated expiry date on their task card.

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