Prompted / Flagged Responses

Identify form responses that require follow up & options for management

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Prompted / Flagged Responses Overview

When creating assessment and evaluation items, users will see the option to check a box designating a response option as a Prompt. This sets a flag on the response option that allows Elentra to send email notifications to users when that response option is selected when someone answers that item on a task. Examples of prompted responses could include unsatisfactory performance, patient safety issues, etc.  Administrators can also set the Prompt Question that displays when a prompted response is selected by an assessor/ evaluator when completing a form.

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Setting Up Prompted Responses & Notifications

Setting Prompts on Form Items

Prompted responses are set up when creating form items.  Certain item types will have a checkbox option for "Prompt".  Check this box to set a form response to be a Prompted Response.  


Optionally, administrators can set a "Prompt Question".  If you have enabled "Allow comments for this item" for prompted responses, the Prompt Question text will display above the comment box instead of the word "Comments". 

Setting Up Prompt Notifications on Forms

Prompted Response notifications can be set at the form or distribution level.  If configured in both places, the distribution settings will overrule the form settings.  

To configure who should receive a notification whenever a prompted response is selected on a form, navigate to the form.  Select the user groups who should receive an email whenever a prompted response has been selected on the form. Only users who have been applied to the course where this form has been used will be notified.


For example, If "Program Directors" is selected, the directors of the course(s) where this form has been applied will be notified (via email and/or Prompted Responses Review tab in their A&E badge, if enabled). 

Note: Prompted Responses notifications are only applicable to forms used within the A&E module.  Forms attached to a gradebook assessment for use by graders as a grading rubric will not send notifications to the selected users on the form if a prompted response is selected.

Setting Up Prompt Notifications on Distributions

When setting up a distribution, on step 5 of the distribution wizard, the user can apply prompted responses notification settings. Settings applied to a distribution will overrule the form settings.


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Database Setting Options & Considerations for Management

Elentra has several database options that will affect how users view & interact with prompted response notifications.  

Database Setting Description Default Setting
flagging_notifications   ON
Defines whether or not to include names of users in prompted response notifications in A&E items
Controls the visibility of a Prompted Responses tab for staff and faculty users who receive prompted response notifications.
Can be used to restrict users from opening individual, completed evaluation tasks. If turned on, it  allows staff:pcoordinator and faculty:director to access evaluation responses.
Can be used to hide names of evaluators from distribution progress reports, the Admin > A&E Dashboard, and reports. If enabled, it allows staff:pcoordinator and faculty:director to see evaluator name (if disabled, it will say "Confidential" as the name)


By default, Staff:PCoordinators and Faculty: Directors cannot view evaluator names (show_evaluator_data) or the contents of completed evaluation forms (evaluation_data_visible).  In such a case, if a prompted response is selected on an evaluation form:

  • The Admin Prompted Responses tab in the Evaluations dashboard will display prompted responses; but the evaluator name is "Confidential".
  • The form will be hyperlinked but inaccessible to these users.  They will see an error message if they click to view the contents of the form.  


A&E Evaluation Prompted Responses Dashboard view as a PCoordinator when confidentiality settings are in place

  • If enable_prompted_responses_comments_and_reviews is enabled, the Prompted Responses Review tab is enabled in Staff & Faculty A&E Badges. 
  • If evaluations have prompted responses selected, the Review tab will display the name of the evaluator in the user's A&E badge regardless of how the show_evaluator_data setting is configured. 
  • evaluation_data_visible is not overridden by enabling enable_prompted_responses_comments_and_reviews.  As such, if Staff:PCoordinators & Faculty:Directors are not able to view evaluation form contents, they will not be able to review & act on prompted responses from evaluations. 
  • If you need to have these user types review & manage prompted responses for evaluations, evaluation_data_visible must be configured so these users can access all evaluation forms associated with their course(s).

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Prompted Response Emails

Users selected to receive the prompted response notifications on the distribution or form will receive one email per task where one or more prompted response has been selected. The email will not contain the target's name or the contents of the prompted response that was selected.  It will contain a link the assessment, which will include an icon indicating the prompted response(s) that were selected.

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Prompted Responses Admin Tab

Within the Admin> Assessment & Evaluation module dashboard, a tab for Prompted Responses exists for both Assessments & Evaluations. 
Users who have access to view the form will be able to view all submissions wherein a prompted response was selected. Click on the form title to view the prompted response selection. 
Prompted response selections will display with a red alert icon.
If enable_prompted_responses_comments_and_reviews is enabled, Medtech:Admins and those assigned as a reviewer of prompted responses will be able to comment and review when accessing the form from the Admin Prompted Responses tab.
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Prompted Responses Review Tab

If enable_prompted_responses_comments_and_reviews is enabled, the Prompted Responses Review tab is enabled in the A&E Badge for all Medtech, Staff, & Faculty users who have been configured to receive prompted response notifications from a form or distribution. 
PCoordinator A&E Badge area Prompted Responses Review tab
To begin the review:
Step 1: Click on the task title.
Step 2: Review the form contents & prompted response(s). 
Step 3: Navigate to the bottom of the form to review any comments left by other prompted responses reviewers. 
Step 4: Optionally, add your review comments.  They will not be released to the assessor/evaluator. 
Step 5: Click "Submit Review/Comment" to mark the form as reviewed & save any comments. 
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