Linking Forms & Distributions to Gradebook Assessments

Connect Forms and Distribution Tasks to Gradebook Assessments for a streamlined grading experience

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Using Assessment & Evaluation Content in the Gradebook Overview

Assessment & Evaluation content can be linked to a gradebook assessment in 2 different ways.  Forms can be connected to an assessment to be used as a grading rubric for graders.  A typical use case is for assignments where a student must submit items to a drop box for grading.  The grader will be able to view student submissions and use the rubric for grading. These forms are not distributed to graders using the A&E badge; instead the form is visible when accessing their assigned grading tasks. 

Distributions can also be connected to an assessment, which will be graded according to the configurations in the gradebook assessment.  A typical use case is for clinical preceptor assessments, which are managed via distribution, and the completed forms are pulled into the gradebook assessment for automated scoring. 

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Connecting a Form for Use as a Grading Rubric

Attaching an assessment form to a gradebook assessment allows you to link an existing form for graders to use when grading the assignment. Graders will only need to make form selections, and Elentra will calculate the grade accordingly.


Prior to connecting a form to a gradebook assessment, the form will need to be created within the Assessment & Evaluation module. 

Caution: When attaching a form to a gradebook assessment, you must use forms that rely on multiple choice, dropdown selector, rubric (as part of a grouped item), and free text items.  Other item types will not function when attached to a gradebook.  

If you add a rubric item to a form, please ensure you have made a grouped item (even if it is just one item). A form with ungrouped rubric attribute items will not display properly when attached to the gradebook.
Do not use forms that include item types like date selector, numeric answer field, or autocomplete (multiple responses). They will not work. (Even if it seems like the system lets you add a form with these items, and even though an admin. user may be able to complete the form, faculty graders will not be able to use the form via My Grading Tasks.)

The user connecting the gradebook assessment to the form must have permission to access the form. 

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Gradebook Assessment Setup

To provide a form for graders to use in the gradebook:
Step 1: Near the bottom of the relevant gradebook assessment, click +Attach Assessment Form (not 'via Distribution').
Step 2: Begin to type the form title and options should appear. Click on the form you wish to attach and click +Attach Assessment Form. The assessment form will now appear on the assessment screen.
Step 3: You must indicate a score for each possible response on a rubric and give a weight for items on the assessment form (a free text item will have no weight). The weights should total 100%. This information is what allows the system to automatically create a grade after the form is complete.

Note: Values entered for a question are scored numerically.  This means that the highest score is the denominator.  If your form values are based on percentages, your highest value must be 100. 

Note: Some assessment response categories are hard-coded to count as a null value, and will behave as such when used in a gradebook assessment.  These response categories are: N/A; Not Applicable; Not Observed; Did Not Attend; Please Select. Enter a 0 in the score value in order to save the form.  If one of the null responses are selected, the gradebook will proportionately redistribute the weight of the question to the other questions on the form.  Please note that custom null values as configured on an A&E scale will not count as null values in the gradebook, and instead count as a 0 (or whatever you configured the value to be) and not redistribute the question weight.  

Step 4: If the database setting gradebook_assignment_show_form_options is enabled you may see the option to define form visibility settings.
  • Options include: show the learner the graded assessment form only, show the learner the ungraded assessment form only, show the learner the ungraded and graded assessment forms, and never show the learner the assessment form.
Step 5: Click Save. The form will be attached to the assessment and you'll be directed to the main Grade Assessment page where you can input grades.
To remove an attached assessment form, click the red Remove Form button.
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Grader View

Graders will access grading rubrics from within their Grading Tasks page. Navigate to the assignment grading page.  
Click on the booklet icon in the Submitted column to view a split-screen view of the student's submission(s) and the grading rubric.  To view the drop box contents and comments, click on View. 
When in the split-screen view, use the drop-down menu below the student's name to navigate to other submissions from this student in this drop box. Use the rubric on the right to assess the student.  The calculated grade will appear in the bottom left of the screen. Click Save and Close or Save and Go to Next to save your work. 
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Learner View

If you have chosen to display the graded and/or ungraded form to the student, they will be able to view the form from both the Assignments page and from their Gradebook page. Click the Eye icon to view the form. 
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Connecting a Distribution for Grading Completed Tasks

Attaching an Assessment Form via Distribution allows you to link an existing distribution form to the gradebook assessment. This allows completed assessment forms to populate grades automatically for that gradebook assessment. 


Prior to connecting a form via distribution to a gradebook assessment, the form and distribution will need to be created within the Assessment & Evaluation module. 

Caution: When attaching a form to a gradebook assessment, you must use forms that rely on multiple choice, dropdown selector, rubric (as part of a grouped item), and free text items.  Other item types will not function when attached to a gradebook.  

If you add a rubric item to a form, please ensure you have made a grouped item (even if it is just one item). A form with ungrouped rubric attribute items will not display properly when attached to the gradebook.
Do not use forms that include item types like date selector, numeric answer field, or autocomplete (multiple responses). They will not work. (Even if it seems like the system lets you add a form with these items, and even though an admin. user may be able to complete the form, faculty graders will not be able to use the form via My Grading Tasks.)

The user connecting the gradebook assessment to the distribution must have permission to access the distribution. 

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Gradebook Assessment Setup

To connect a distribution for automated grading of completed forms:
Step 1: Near the bottom of the relevant gradebook assessment, click +Attach Assessment Form via Distribution.

Note: The Course and Curriculum Period of the distribution must be the same as the assessment for the distribution to appear in the search.

Step 2: Begin to type the distribution title and options should appear. Click on the distribution you wish to attach and click +Attach Distribution. The distribution details, and the form used in the distribution will now appear on the assessment screen.
Step 3: Select your scoring method:
Options include:
  • Show First Score
  • Show Highest Score
  • Show Average of All Scores
  • Show Latest Score
Step 4: You must indicate a score for each possible response on a rubric and give a weight for items on the assessment form (a free text item will have no weight). The weights should total 100%. This information is what allows the system to automatically create a grade after the form is complete.

Note: Values entered for a question are scored numerically.  This means that the highest score is the denominator.  If your form values are based on percentages, your highest value must be 100. 

Note: Some assessment response categories are hard-coded to count as a null value, and will behave as such when used in a gradebook assessment.  These response categories are: N/A; Not Applicable; Not Observed; Did Not Attend; Please Select. Enter a 0 in the score value in order to save the form.  If one of the null responses are selected, the gradebook will proportionately redistribute the weight of the question to the other questions on the form.  Please note that custom null values as configured on an A&E scale will not count as null values in the gradebook, and instead count as a 0 (or whatever you configured the value to be) and not redistribute the question weight.  

Step 5: Click Save. The form will be attached to the assessment and you'll be directed to the main Grade Assessment page where you can input grades.
To remove an attached distribution, click the red Remove Form button.
Optionally: Configure a distribution cutoff date (near the top of the gradebook assessment page).  If enabled, distribution tasks that are completed after this date will not contribute towards the learner grade.
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Managing Distributed Tasks & Grading

To monitor grade progress & view which assessments contribute toward a learner's grade, click on the book icon in the gradebook assessment dashboard page:


A window will appear that will list all completed distribution tasks that contribute to the learner's grade. Clicking on the assessment link will bring you directly to the completed form. 


Distribution tasks are managed from the Assessment & Evaluation module.  For more information, see the Administrator Tools page and Distribution Progress Reports.

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