Introduction to Absence Management

Define your absence policies for learning events; manage & track absence requests


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Introduction to Absence Management

Elentra's absence management tool is for managing attendance on learning events. This optional feature is turned off by default. Contact Elentra Support to enable this feature.

Absence Management functionality includes:

  • The ability to define allowable absences
  • Learners can request approval for absences
  • Staff & Faculty can manage absences requests

This tool is in addition to the Leave of Absence features within the student user profile, the Leave Tracking tool, and the Granular Clinical Event Attendance Tracking, both within the Clinical Experience module. Currently, the Absence Management tool does not sync with a learner's dashboard calendar (excused absences will still display as events on the calendar). Return to Article Content Section Image Beveled v1


Configure Reasons, Approvers, & Pools; Report on Absences; Approve Absences:

Medtech: Admin
Staff: Admin

Approve Absences (if permissioned):

Staff: PCoordinator
Faculty: All roles

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In order to use all features of the Absence Management module, the following components must be built within Elentra:

  1. absence_enabled must be turned on. 
  2. Learning events that are mandatory to attend must be created.

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Database Settings

Database Setting Description
absence_enabled Turn on/off absence management.  Turned off by default.

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