Rotation Leave Tracking

Record learner absences from rotations


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Rotation Leave Tracking Overview

Leave tracking allows administrative staff to record absences for learners. Please note that this is a separate tool from the Absence Management module. There are no database settings for this tool. 

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Adding a New Leave

From the My Learners tab in the CE Dashboard, find the learner and click on the Leave Tracking button on the learner's card.


Click on "Record New Leave" to begin. Any existing leaves recorded for this learner will display in the table on this page. 


Enter in the Leave Details as shown below.  Click Save to complete.newleave

Note: Leave Type options can be adjusted for your institution upon request.  Contact Elentra Support or your Account Manager for this request.

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Leave Reports

Leave reports are found in Admin> Assessment & Evaluation.  From the Reports tab in the A&E module, navigate to the Leave section. 


Leave by Block Report: This report provides an overview of learners with approved leave during a specific block for courses/programs with clinical experience schedules. Generates a PDF that lists the learner name, leave start date, leave end date, and leave type for each selected block. If more than one block is selected, they are listed separately within the same PDF.

Rotation Leave Report: This report provides an overview of learners with approved leave during a specific rotation for courses/programs with clinical experiences schedules. Users can generate an inline report (with optional PDF download) that includes all leave entered for each selected learner, including leave type, leave dates, weekdays used, weekend days used, total days used per request, and total leave days for that learner within the defined report date range.

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Learner View of Tracked Leaves

As a learner, recorded leaves will display on the dashboard calendar alongside any scheduled rotations.


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