Rotation-Based Distributions

Distribute forms according to rotation schedules in Elentra


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Rotation-Based Distribution Overview

Rotation Based Distributions allow you to set up a distribution based on a rotation schedule. This means you can easily send a form to all enrolled learners to be delivered when they are actively in the rotation. You must have rotations built using the Clinical Experience Rotation Scheduler to use this distribution method.
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Create a Rotation-Based Distribution

Navigate to Admin> Assessment & Evaluation > Distributions tab. Click Add New Distribution.

Complete page 1 of the creation wizard as described on the Knowledge Base article titled Distributions Overview and click next.

Note: On the next page, you will only be able to select rotations from the same Curriculum Period and Course that you choose in those respective fields of the Form page.

Page 2: Method

On page 2, select Rotation Schedule as the Distribution Method from the dropdown menu. 


Rotation Schedule: Select the rotation schedule. The list of options will be limited by the curriculum period, and course selected on page 1.

Specific Sites: Optionally, select which sites the distribution should apply to.  Leave blank if it should apply to all sites in the rotation. 

Release Date: If selected, this tells the system how far back in time to go to make the distribution tasks.  IE, if you set the date to the first of the current month, tasks will only be created for rotations that begin after the first of the month, within the curriculum period chosen on page 1. 

Delivery Type:

  • Basic delivery (single): allows you to send a single evaluation task repeatedly, once per block, or once per rotation.
  • Dynamic delivery rules (multiple): allows you to deliver multiple evaluation tasks at specific intervals during a rotation. For example, if you have a 5-month rotation, and you’d like to deliver an interim evaluation at the 2-month mark and the 4-month mark, you can set a rule for the distribution to do so.

Task Expiry: If selected, this controls when a task generated by the distribution will expire, and provide the option to send a warning notification prior to expiry. 

Basic Delivery:

If you select Basic delivery (single), then select your Delivery Period.  Choose between delivering tasks repeatedly, once per block, or once per rotation.
  • Repeatedly means you set how often during the rotation the task sends (e.g. every 5 days)
  • Once per block means that for each booking the learner has in a rotation they will be sent a task
  • Once per rotation means that consecutive bookings (i.e., two or more back-to-back blocks) will be treated as one unit of time. Note that if learners have consecutive bookings at different sites they will not be treated as one rotation. 
For each delivery period, additional customization allows you to control the timing of the distribution (e.g. 1 day after the start of the block, or 3 days before the end of the rotation).

Dynamic Delivery:

If you select Dynamic delivery rules (multiple), then set your delivery rules.
  • Identify the specific delivery rules depending on the length of a rotation (you identify the length of the rotation in months, weeks, or days).
  • If you enter an integer larger than 1 for the number of tasks, you will be able to define when each task will be delivered (percent of the way through the rotation) and a visualization will be supplied by the Task bar below.
  • Clicking on Add new delivery will allow you to add additional delivery schedules that depend on the length of the rotation, which allows you to set different parameters for shorter rotations and longer rotations.
  • As stated in the interface, larger rules take precedence over smaller ones. So if you had a 0-1 month rule and a 0-2 month rule, the 0-2 month would supersede the other.
    • Remember: If a learner's schedule has two or more of the same rotation scheduled in a row, the system will treat them as a single rotation.
  • You can have as many rules as you want, but they must be contiguous (e.g., 0-2 months, 2-4 months, 4-6 months) to avoid leaving learners without an assessment.

Page 3: Targets

The target is who or what the form is about (e.g., learners, faculty members, a rotation).

Note: You'll only see the option to set the rotation or faculty member as a target if you are creating an evaluation.

Assessments will be delivered for: Specify your target(s) of the form. Proceeding options will change depending on your selection. 
  • Targets are the assessors (self assessment): use this for self-assessments. Learners will be delivered a task where they are both the target and assessor.
  • Targets are learners: This will display additional options:
    • Specific learners in this rotation: Use the drop down selector to add the required learners. (Hover over a learner name to see their profile information.) OR
    • All learners in this rotation.  This will display additional options when selected:
      • Learners from My Program/Outside of my Program: This refers to organizations that use on and off-service rotation slots (usually PGME programs). 
        • Checking My Program will target leaners who are scheduled in the rotation AND enrolled in the course.
        • Checking Outside of my program will target learners who are scheduled in the rotation but enrolled in a different course than that in which the rotation exists.
      • Learner Levels: This refers to learner levels usually used in CBME enabled organizations. Checking a learner level will restrict the distribution to target only learners at that learner level. Leaving all boxes unchecked will target all learners, regardless of their learner level.
      • Additional Learners: Click Browse Additional Learners. Search for a learner and check the box beside the learner name. To delete a learner, click the x beside their name.
  • Targets are peers: This option allows for targets who have completed the rotation to assess all of their peers in the rotation block.
  • Targets for this Distribution will be determined by the Assessor: With this option, the assessor/evaluator selects the target based on their role and distribution assessor options when they are completing the task. When an assessor accesses the task they will see that the target is to be defined by them.
    • In the Distribution Progress Report, administrators will see the target listed as Assessor will choose before completing task.
    • Currently this feature only supports using completing one task per distribution. Even if you configure Step 3: Targets, Target Attempt Options to be more than one (which the user interface does allow), the system will not be able to support assessors/evaluators choosing more than one target per distribution.
Target Attempt Options: Specify how many times an assessor can assess each target, OR whether the assessor can select which targets to assess and complete a specific number (e.g. assessor will be sent a list of 20 targets, they have to complete at least 10 and no more than 15 assessments but can select which targets they assess).
  • If you select the latter, you can define whether the assessor can assess the same target multiple times. Check off the box if they can.

Page 4: Assessors

The assessors are the people who will complete the form.


Assessor Options: The proceeding options will change depending on your selection.
  • The assessors are learners: another field called Learner Options will appear:
    • All Learners: Select all learners in the rotation or specific learners in the rotation
    • Specific learners in the rotation: Use the drop down selector to add required learners
    • Additional Learners: Check this option to add additional learners from outside the program.
  • The assessors are faculty members: Browse faculty and click on the required names to add them as assessors.
    • Select Associated Faculty: This tool will pull the names of faculty listed on the course setup page as associated faculty
  • The assessors are clinical preceptors associated with the rotation schedule: This allows you to associated this distribution with all preceptors affiliated with the rotation, based on the slot bookings made for learners. The distribution will dynamically update based on changes made to the rotation schedule.
  • Select individuals: This allows you to add external assessors to a distribution.
    • Begin to type an email, if the user already exists you'll see them displayed in the dropdown menu. To create a new external assessor, scroll to the bottom of the list and click Add External Assessor. Provide first and last name, and email address for the external assessor and click Add Assessor

Exclude Self Assessments: If checked, this will prevent the assessor from completing a self-assessment.

Feedback Options: This will only display when the assessors are faculty. Checking the box will add a default item to the distribution asking if the faculty member met with the trainee to discuss their assessment.

Give access to the results of previous assessments: This relates to Elentra's ability to provide a Summary Assessment Task to users. If enabled, tasks generated by this distribution will link to tasks completed in the listed distributions. When users complete an assessment with the summary assessment task enabled, they will be able to view tasks completed in the other distributions. For any items that are used on both forms, results from previously completed tasks will be aggregated for the assessor to view.

  • Currently for rotation-based distributions there is no option to configure minimum tasks completed on linked distributions nor a fallback date for the summary assessment task.

Page 5: Results

You can immediately save your distribution at this point and it will generate the required tasks, but there is additional setup you can configure if desired. (Not all options will display depending on the other parameters of the distribution.)
For more information on the Results page and settings, follow this link to the Distribution Overview help article and see the Step 5: Results section.
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Edit a Rotation-Based Distribution

Editing a rotation schedule and individual learner bookings can impact any existing distributions. 

  • If you are using a rotation-based distribution that relies on the rotation schedule to determine the assessor (based on scheduled preceptors), updating a booking by changing the preceptor AFTER tasks have already been generated and delivered will result in the existing task being removed from the distribution progress report and a new one generating for the newly assigned preceptor.
  • The original task will not automatically be removed from the original assessor's A&E task list. If the task was optional they will be able to delete it themselves, however, if the task was mandatory, an Admin user must delete the task from the A&E Dashboard.
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