Managing Existing Assessments

Manage your existing assessments that have been created in gradebook


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Editing Existing Assessments

  • Navigate to a course gradebook by clicking Admin >  Manage Gradebook or Admin > Manage Courses > Select a course> Gradebook tab.
  • On the list of already created assessments, click on the pencil icon in the Edit column to access the assessment settings. Alternatively, click on an assessment and press the Edit Assessment button from within the assessment page.  
  • Make adjustments to the settings as needed.
  • Press the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Editing an Existing Collection
  • To edit an existing collection, click the pencil icon in the edit column to the right of the collection name.
  • It is only by editing assessments through the collection that you can change the numeric points or percentage and have it reflected in the collection. If you edit an individual assessment that is part of a collection, you can modify the points, but the weight will not automatically adjust.
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Deleting an Assessment

  • Navigate to a course gradebook by clicking Admin > Manage Gradebook or Admin > Manage Courses > Select a course > Gradebook tab.
  • On the list of existing assessments, select the checkbox beside the assessment you want to delete and then click the red Delete Selected button at the bottom left.
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Copying Existing Gradebook Assessments

Existing gradebook assessments and collections can be copied over to a new course or curriculum period to be reused and save configuration time.  This tool can be helpful during course rollover time.
Before you start, ensure that the curriculum period (e.g., Sept. 1, 2021 – Dec. 31, 2021) you want to create a new gradebook for exists and has an audience (e.g., a cohort).  Navigate to Admin > Manage Course > Setup to review and adjust this as needed.  Do the following to copy gradebook assessments 
Step 1: Navigate to the gradebook where assessments exist that you would like to copy.  You can do this by either navigating to Admin > Manage Gradebook or navigating to Admin > Manage Courses > select the course with the gradebook > click on the Gradebook tab within the course.  
Step 2: Ensure you are in the correct curriculum period and adjust using the period selector in the top right if needed. (The current curriculum period will display by default.)
Step 3: Select the checkbox next to the assessment title(s) you want to copy then click the Copy Selected button. You can use this feature to copy a whole gradebook (all gradebook assessments) into a new curriculum period and/or new course.
  • Be aware that you can select all by selecting the checkbox beside the Assessment column title.
  • If you want to copy a collection,  selecting the checkbox of the collection, as well as the assessments within the collection that you wish to copy over. 
Step 4: A popup modal will appear. On this modal you will need to choose the new target course and the curriculum period where you would like to send a copy of the selected assessment(s).  

Note: You can copy assessments into

  • the same course and curriculum period.
  • the same course but different curriculum period.
  • a different course and curriculum period.
Step 5: Click Copy Assessments to finish copying the assessments.
To view your newly copied gradebook assessments either use the curriculum period switcher in the top right (if you copied to the same course), or navigate to a different course and view the gradebook for the appropriate curriculum period.

Warning: Only certain information gets copied over into the new gradebook assessment. 

What IS copied:
  • Assessment and collection titles and weights including previous assessment details (assuming you checked off a collection)
    • You must update any applicable due dates, Show Start dates, etc. for the newly copied gradebook assessments.
  • A drop box will be copied in the same course when you copy to a new curriculum period, but you'll need to update the dates
    • Drop box assignments will not copy across courses!
  • A form attached to a gradebook assessment will be copied so it can be used again if appropriate.
  • Curriculum tags assigned to assessments will be copied.
What is NOT copied:
  • Specific assessment audiences will not be copied.  You will need to edit the newly copied gradebook assessment to change it to have the correct audience.  The audience will default to the entire course enrollment for the curriculum period.
  • Course Gradebook Grading Scale (this is the grading scale that is applied to the entire gradebook.  The individual assessments' grading scales will copy).
  • Assessment Events applied to individual assessments.
  • Assessment Graders applied to individual assessments.

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Gradebook Assessment Collections

The collections tool is a feature with the gradebook that allows you to group multiple gradebook assessments together in a course gradebook assessment list allowing for quick review of learner performance (e.g., all quizzes will show up beside each other). 

Sample Gradebook without Collections:


Sample Gradebook with Weighted Collections:


The collections tool allows you To create an assessment collection within gradebook, follow the below steps:

Step 1: Navigate to a course's Gradebook either through Admin > Manage Gradebook or Manage Courses > Select a Course > Gradebook tab
Step 2: Create the required assessments. Follow this link for full instructions on Creating Gradebook Assessments.
Step 3: Select the assessments you want to add to the collection by selecting the checkbox beside the assessments. You can add assessments to a collection at any time.
Step 4: Click on + Add to Collection at the bottom of the gradebook screen. A popup will appear where you can fill in the required information to create or add to a collection.
Add Assessment to Collection - Gradebook
  • Decide to create a new collection or add to an existing collection by either choosing Create New Collection from the drop down list or opening the drop down list to pick the collection to add the selected assessments to the chosen collection.
  • Provide a title and optional description for the collection.
  • Set the grading scale as necessary.
  • Set how to display grades for the collection to the learner.
  • If you would like the system to automatically determine the weight of the individual assessments in the collection based on the distribution of the total weight of the collection then select This Collection is Weighted otherwise the weight of the collection will be the sum of the weights manually assigned to each individual assessment included in the collection.
    • If you choose the option This Collection is Weighted then additional options will appear that you will need to configure.  Those options are as follows:
      • Total Weight of the Collection in Course Gradebook: This should reflect how much you want this collection to be worth in the total gradebook (e.g. all quizzes will be worth a total 20% of the course gradebook)
      • Distribute Weight of Assessments Using: This allows you to specify how you'd like to calculate the weights on individual assessments added to the collection. The options are Numeric Points or Percentage.
        • Numeric Points: This option only makes sense if the assessments in the collection are using the numeric marking scheme. If you select numeric points, you'll initially see the existing points total and weight for each assessment. When you enter a total weight for the collection, the weight of each individual assessment will automatically adjust.
        • Percentage: If you select percentage, you'll initially see the original percentages assigned to each assessment. If you enter a total weight for the collection, you will need to change the weight of each assessment to total 100%. The Assessment Weight in the Course Gradebook will automatically be calculated.
      • Gradebook Assessments in Collection: If you chose to distribute the total weight of the collection based on 
        • Numeric Points: You can adjust the points assigned to any assessment in the collection. This will override the previously entered points total.
        • Percentage: You can adjust the percentages which will override the percentage weights entered when creating the original assessment. In the gradebook the weight distribution will be shown.  
  • Select Enable Drop Score if you would like to drop the lowest or highest score in the collection. This option may not be enabled in your Elentra instance.    
Step 5: Click + Add to Collection. The collection will now display on the Assessments list.
  • To add additional assessments to an existing collection, check the checkbox to the left of the assessments you want to add. Click on + Add to Collection. Under Assessment Collection use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate collection title and click + Add to Collection.

Display of Collections in the Gradebook

If a collection automatically distributes the collection weight then in the Gradebook Assessments view the total weight of the collection and the distribution of that weight among the assessments will be displayed. In the following image the collection is worth 50% of the final grade, two assessments in the collection are worth 20% of the 50% and the third assessment is worth 60% of the 50%. 

Automatically Distributed Weighted Collection Display
In the grade spreadsheet you can see the distribution of the weight and the weight of each assessment that goes towards the final grade.

Example Automatically Distributed Weighted Collection
If a collection uses the manually assigned weights of the assessments then in the Gradebook Assessments view the total weight of the collection and the manually assigned weights of each assessment will be displayed. In the following image the total weight is 20% of the final grade and each assessment is worth 5% of the final grade.
Manually Assigned Weighted Collection Display
In the grade spreadsheet you can see the collection average, the total weight of the collection, and the weight of each assessment which is the weight towards the final grade per assessment.
Example Manually Assigned Weighted Collection Grade Spreadsheet View

Deleting a Collection

To delete a collection, select the checkbox beside the collection name and then click the red Empty Collection button at the bottom of the page.
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Drop Lowest and/or Highest Scores from a Collection

Note: This feature must be enabled in your organization to utilize on gradebook collections. Contact Elentra Support or your Account Manager to have this feature enabled. 

Gradebook collections can be configured to drop a certain number of assessment scores for the assessments within the collection. If enabled, you will see a checkbox for Enable Drop Score.

enable drop score

Once selected, the administrator must configure the number of highest and/or lowest scores to drop. Once configured the collection will automatically remove the score(s) from each learner's grade. 

Within the gradebook spreadsheet, administrators can identify dropped scores by the Info icon that appears next to the student score for the assessment whose score was dropped. 

The weight of the dropped assessment(s) will be proportionally redistributed to the other assessments left in the collection and the total collection weight will not be reduced.


Learners will see the same Info icon in their gradebook:


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