Learning Event Reports

Report on learning events in a variety of ways


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This article covers the following topics. Click on the topic to go to that section of the article.

Note: Several reports provide an overview of learning events. 

Learning Event Reports Overview

There are several reporting tools available in Elentra to report on Learning Events. These can be used to help provide feedback to the people or committees responsible for curriculum planning and review, to see a summary of linkages between curriculum tags, and to get an overview of a course's learning events.
To access any of the below system reports in this article, navigate to Admin > System Reports, and click on the respective report. Not all users have access to all reports and some reports are accessible from other locations. For example, the Curriculum Reports are available to some users from the Curriculum tab, and a modified version of the Learning Event Types report is accessible from the Admin> Manage Courses> Content page in the left sidebar.
Learning Event by Types by Course Report
This report lists learning event types and durations across courses (e.g., 12% lecture, 25% small group activity, 5% self-assessment).
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Curriculum Tag Minutes and Mapping Report

This report lists statistics on how much time was spent of different curriculum tags mapped to course events. See the documentation here.
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Curriculum Review Report

This report lists which curriculum tags are used across events within a course. See the documentation here.
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Reports on Faculty Hours

Across courses at the individual and departmental level. 

These reports can be found in the Teaching Event Reports section of System Reports. See the documentation here:

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Monitoring Resource Views

If you have posted resources to an event you are able to see which users have accessed the resource.
  • Navigate to the appropriate learning event.
  • Switch in to Administrative view if you aren't already in it.
  • On the card for any posted resource click View. You'll see a list of the audience members for the event, the number of resource views and the most recent view of the resource.
You can also rely on the Statistics tab to see which users have used viewed the event.
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