Teaching Event Reports

Article Content

This article covers the following topics. Click on the topic to go to that section of the article.

Teaching Report by Course (hourly)

A teaching report that shows how many hours faculty are teaching across all courses.
  • Set the reporting start and finish date and time.
  • Assign session time equally to instructors - Checking this box will divide the total event time between all listed teachers.
  • Click Create Report.
  • Reports will generate for each course. Information included is:
    • Course Details (director, curriculum coordinator, program coordinator, evaluation rep and student rep)
    • Course Description
    • Course Objectives
    • Course Event Types (shown in a pie chart across multiple curriculum periods)
    • Teachers and the number of events and hours taught.
      • Click on a number in the Total Events column to see the events associated with that teacher.
kb184List of assigned teachers from report
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Teaching Report by Faculty Member (hourly)

A teaching report that shows how many hours and events faculty are teaching.
  • Set the reporting start and finish date and time.
  • Assign session time equally to instructors - Checking this box will divide the total event time between all listed teachers.
  • Click Create Report.
  • Reports will generate. Information included is:
    • Teacher name and the number of events and hours taught.
      • Click on a number in the Total Events column to see the events associated with that teacher.
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Teaching Report by Faculty Member by Course (hourly)

A teaching report that shows how many hours faculty are teaching in each Course, including data about event types.
  • Set the reporting start and finish date and time.
  • Select a course.
  • Click Generate Report.
  • Reports will generate. Information included is:
    • Teacher name, number of events, affiliated department (if any), course name, the number of hours per event type, the event total, and the hours total.
      • Click on a number in the Event Total column to see the events associated with that teacher.
    • The legend helps identify what each learning event is.
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Faculty Teaching Report By Department (half days)

A teaching report that shows how many hours faculty are teaching different Event Types broken down by department and division.

Note: If you associate a faculty user with multiple departments please note that reports that rely on departments will attribute that faculty user effort to each department they are associated with.

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Teaching Faculty Contact Details

Contact information for teachers who have taught between the selected time period.
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