- Help Center
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What's New?
Admin User Guide
- Getting Started In Elentra
- Absence Management
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- Awards
- Clinical Experience
- Courses
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- Curriculum Management
- Document Requests
- Events
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- Gradebook
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- System Reports
- System Setup and Settings
- User Management
Faculty Resources
Learner Resources
Elentra Analytics
Elentra Mobile App
Technical Support & Training
Technical Support
If you encounter any difficulty in using Elentra, please email your local Information Technology (IT) or Elentra support contact with a summary of the issue you have encountered or request for support. Please be sure to include as much detail as possible in your request for support.
If you require support from Elentra staff, you may request support by sending an email to support@elentra.com to automatically create a support ticket.
Your ticket will be triaged using the following ticket severity matrix: