Release to Target of Individual Completed Evaluation Tasks

Target Release option on Evaluations

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Target Release Overview

When creating an Evaluation type distribution, by default, the option to "Disable Target Release" is unchecked by default. Leaving this unchecked enables learners who are completing faculty evaluations the option to release their form directly to the faculty member they are evaluating.  The faculty member will be able to view the name of the student who evaluated them when this option is exercised by the student upon completing their evaluation.


While advantageous in some circumstances, allowing learners to optionally release completed evaluation tasks to faculty is not desirable to all organizations.  This setting can be turned off for all evaluations using a database setting; turned off for specific courses; or left on and controlled per distribution. 

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Distribution Setup

The Disable Target Release option will only be visible on Evaluation tasks and it does not impact a faculty member's ability to create a report on a distribution (that is still controlled by the distribution in Step 5 of the distribution wizard). 

Unchecked: Students will have the option to release their completed evaluation to the faculty member.

Checked: Students will not have the option to release their completed evaluation to the faculty member. 

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Learner View of Releasing a Task

If this optional target release feature is used, at the bottom of an assigned evaluation task, learners will see the option to release the evaluation to the selected target. If the learner picks 'Yes' from the dropdown selector, the task will become available for the target to view through their Assessment & Evaluation tab.


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Faculty View of Released Tasks

If a learner has released their task to the faculty member they evaluated, that faculty member will see the form in their A&E Badge, in the Tasks Completed On Me tab. 


Faculty will be able to report on the summative results of all forms completed on them (where reports have been made available via step 5 of the distribution) within the My Reports tab. 

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