Release 23.08.22

August 22nd, 2023 Elentra Releases


Release to production effective August 22nd, 2023.


Rotation Block Dates are now aligned with set Curriculum Dates

Previously, there was a bug causing rotation block dates not to align accurately with the dates created first in the Manage Curriculum module. When creating rotation schedules based on curriculum periods and courses, the block finish dates were consistently off by a margin of one day. Now, the rotation block dates mirror the dates set in the Manage Curriculum module, and the dates are aligned as expected. 

Community Pages are now opening in a new browser window as expected

Previously, a bug was identified where selecting the "Open in New Window" option for a community page led to the replacement of the current page, rather than opening the designated content in a new tab. Now, selecting the "Open in New Window" option for a community page will result in the page opening in a new tab, as intended. 

Date Selector Field is now displaying in Completed Forms when viewed by a Reviewer 

Previously, a bug existed where the Date Selector form item type failed to display the selections made by assessors in submitted forms. Even though assessors had completed the forms, including the mandatory date field entries, the chosen dates were not visible in the completed forms when opened by Reviewers. Now, the Date Selector form item type functions as expected and the selections made by assessors in the submitted forms are displayed accurately when the forms are reviewed by form reviewers, or other authorized users. 

Elentra Analytics - New Reports

Document Request Insights:
Provides a comprehensive overview of all document requests, their completion statuses, and individual learner requests.

Leave Tracking Enhancement:

Offers a detailed analysis of leave patterns segmented by learners and specific time periods.

Exam Objective Performance Analysis:

Delivers insights into learner performance against exam objectives, by specific posts, and per individual exam item.

Departmental Overviews:

Presents data on departmental headcounts and a complete list of departments and allocated users.

User Group and Role Insights:

Details user categorization based on their group or role within organizations, aiding in access management and security.

Please consult the Knowledge Base for further details on specific reports and their functionality.

If you have any questions about the above-listed information, please contact If you see a feature that is not currently being used within your instance of Elentra and you are interested in learning more about it, please contact your Elentra Account Manager for more information.