Release 23.08.15

August 15th, 2023 Elentra Releases


Release to production effective August 15th, 2023.

Fixed a display issue of the Location/Preceptor Names within the Option Import Preview for Lotteries

Previously, there was a bug where Location and Preceptor names that exceeded the width of the option square were not truncated and extended beyond the visible boundaries of the box. This occurred within the Option Import Preview for Lotteries. Now, Location and Preceptor names are properly truncated with an ellipsis when they exceed the available width of the option square. Furthermore, users can now hover over truncated names to view the complete text, facilitating better readability and information accessibility.

Fixed an issue where Portfolios were being displayed for Non-Audience Learners

Previously, there was a bug where Learners who were not part of the intended audience for a Portfolio could still view it in their Portfolios list when the 'Visible to Learners' toggle was turned on. This led to unintended access of Portfolios that learners were not supposed to see. Now, when the 'Visible to Learners' toggle is enabled for a Portfolio, only learners who are part of the designated audience can view it in their Portfolios list.

If you have any questions about the above-listed information, please contact If you see a feature that is not currently being used within your instance of Elentra and you are interested in learning more about it, please contact your Elentra Account Manager for more information.