Release 23.07.04

July 4th, 2023 Elentra Releases


Release to production effective July 4th, 2023.


Faculty Administrators of a Course are now also associated as Administrators of Course Websites when the corresponding database setting is enabled

Previously, there was an issue with the "course_website_associated_faculty_admins" database setting not functioning as intended when it was enabled. When this setting was enabled, faculty members that were added as Associated Faculty within the course setup page were not being added as administrators of the associated course website. Now with the fix, faculty members added to a course through the Setup tab are correctly assigned as administrators of the course community when this database setting has been enabled.

Fixed HTML Code from displaying in Dashboard Notices of Gradebook Assessments and also in User Import Confirmation Emails

Previously, there was a bug where Dashboard Notices generated from the Gradebook Assessment Dropbox Setting was displaying HTML code on the learner's dashboard notices, instead of the table itself. Similarly, the User Import Confirmation Email contained HTML code as well. Both issues resulted in an undesired display of HTML tags in the respective contexts. Now, with the fix implemented, the Dashboard Notices generated from the Gradebook Assessment Dropbox Setting no longer show HTML code in the learner's dashboard view, and the notices are displayed as intended. Additionally, the User Import Confirmation Email has been corrected to ensure that it no longer contains HTML code, and is displaying as expected.

Viewable Start Date & End Dates can now be set before the first Event’s Start Date for Recurring Events

Previously, there was a bug where creating an event series in the UI with a viewable start and end date resulted in the prevention of subsequent events from having a viewable start or end date prior to the start date of the first event. Now when creating an event series, the viewable start date and end date for subsequent events can be set independently from the start date of the first event. Users can freely specify the desired viewable dates for each event within the series during the initial creation process.

Learning Event Type Colors are now displaying as intended on Dashboard Calendars

Previously, there was a bug where learning events displayed on the dashboard calendar were shown in the default color, despite learning event types having associated colors configured. However, in the Manage Events calendar view, the learning event types were correctly displayed with their respective learning event type colors. Now, learning events on the dashboard calendar will be displayed with the appropriate colors associated with their respective learning event types, as expected.

Increased the number of characters able to be inputted in the User Title field within a User Profile

Previously, the User Title field within the User Profile page was limited to 128 characters. This limit has now been increased to 256 characters as there are cases where a user’s title may exceed the previous limit of 128 characters.


If you have any questions about the above-listed information, please contact If you see a feature that is not currently being used within your instance of Elentra and you are interested in learning more about it, please contact your Elentra Account Manager for more information.