Release 23.06.20

June 20th, 2023 Elentra Releases


Release to production effective June 20th, 2023.


Ungraded Gradebook Assessments are now displaying in the Learner Gradebook as expected when the related setting is enabled.

Previously, there was a bug where ungraded Gradebook Assessments were not displaying in the learner Gradebook, and the assessments were only visible after receiving a grade when the setting "Show Assessment details in the learner Gradebook and Course Website" was checked off in the Gradebook Assessment. Now, learners can now see all assessments when this setting is enabled, including those that do not have any grades entered, as intended.

Assessment Response Categories are now displaying all the categories it should when creating scales.

Previously, there was a bug where Assessment Response Categories with the same name but different capitalizations were not being displayed properly in the search results when creating scales. For example, response categories created with the names of "Strongly Agree" and "Strongly agree" are two separate categories, but when creating a scale and searching for these categories, only the first of the two created would appear in the selector list. Now, both versions of the assessment response categories with different capitalizations are correctly displayed in the selector list when creating scales.

Honor Code now displaying on an Exam Post as Expected

Previously, when setting up an exam post for the first time of the day and selecting the "Exam Security Options are required" mode, the expected Honor Code field was not displayed. The field would only appear after saving the post or reopening it. Now, when setting up an exam post for the first time of the day and selecting the "Exam Security Options are required" mode, the Honor Code field is immediately displayed as expected.

New Features:

We are excited to introduce a set of new reports that will enhance your Elentra experience. These reports have been carefully designed to improve workflow efficiency and provide valuable insights in both Clinical Experience and Assessment & Evaluation.

On the Clinical Experience side, we have introduced logbook reports that offer comprehensive information about your clinical activities. These reports provide valuable insights into learner progress.

For distribution, we have introduced reports that focus on distribution completion. These reports are designed to track and evaluate the progress of distributions, giving you valuable data to monitor completion rates and to intervene when necessary.

We believe that these new reports will significantly contribute to streamlining your workflow and improving your overall experience with Elentra. They provide enhanced visibility into your clinical activities and distribution progress, empowering you to optimize your workflow and make more informed decisions.

For more information regarding the Logbook Reports, please see Clinical Reports:
For more information regarding the Distribution Reports, please see Distribution Reports: 

If you have any questions about the above-listed information, please contact If you see a feature that is not currently being used within your instance of Elentra and you are interested in learning more about it, please contact your Elentra Account Manager.