May 16th, 2023 Elentra Releases
Release to production effective May 16th, 2023.
Fixed "Upload Image" Pop-Up Wording and Button Cut-Off in the Course Setup
Previously, when attempting to upload an image to a Course through the Upload Image pop-up, users encountered incorrect wording and a cut-off button. The pop-up incorrectly instructed users to use a Browse button, when there was only a Choose File button available. Now, wording in the pop-up is consistent with the available button options, and the Choose File button is no longer cut off making it clearer how to upload images.
Fixed Pagination issues when Editing or Deleting a Document Request
Previously, when a user edited or deleted a Document Request from a pagination page other than the first one, they would be redirected to the first page after saving the changes. However, the edited or deleted Document Request would appear as the first item on the first page along with other requests from the page the user was previously on, while the results that should be displayed on the first page were appended below the results from the original page. This caused confusion and made it difficult for users to keep track of their current location in the pagination.
Now, when a user edits or deletes a Document Request from a pagination page other than the first one, they are returned to the same result set they were viewing prior to editing the Document Request. The pagination no longer resets to the first page, and the edited or deleted Document Request appears in its correct location on the same page where it was previously located.
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