Portfolio Rollover


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Portfolios can be "rolled over" for use in a new curriculum period, just like other Elentra modules can be versioned per curriculum period. Once "rolled over" you can navigate to the different curriculum periods via the portfolio dashboard view, using the switcher on the right side. Medtech:Admin, Staff:Admin, and Staff:PCoordinator users can roll over portfolios. 

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Rolling Over a Portfolio

Step 1: Navigate to Admin> Manage Portfolios.

Step 2: From the Portfolios list, find the portfolio you wish to roll over and click on the ellipses button to the right side of the title> Roll Over.


Step 3: You will be directed to the portfolio setup/edit modal.  On the first page, you will configure the new curriculum layout (if required), curriculum period, and audience (if required). Click Next to continue. selectportfolioaudience

Step 4:  If you have configured a new audience, you will be required to assign the new learners to advisors.  If you have kept the same audience, you can maintain the existing relationships or configure new advisor relationships, as needed. Click Next to continue. 

Step 5: You will be directed to a success message.  rollovertasks

From this screen, you can:

  • Make the portfolio visible to learners
  • Create new learner tasks
  • Roll over tasks from a previous curriculum period (see below)

Caution: If you do not roll over tasks from a previous curriculum period at this time, you will not be able to navigate back to this page.  Tasks will need to be created anew for that curriculum period.

Rolling Over Portfolio Tasks

Step 1: From the portfolio rollover success page, click on Rollover Previous Tasks.

Step 2: A popup will appear.  Select the curriculum period you want to copy tasks from.  Select up to 5 task labels to roll over. Click Confirm to create the new tasks.


Note: By copying tasks, you will only be copying over the content of the tasks and not the task recipients or due dates. 

Step 3: Tasks will appear in the tab corresponding to its label.  Configure the new task audience(s) as desired. Click Next to continue.


Step 5: Update the task details as needed. Click Next to continue. reviewtaskrollover

Step 6: You will be directed to the task review page.  If you have missed configuring an audience for any task, you will be notified here. Click Finish to complete the task rollover process.

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