Logging Clinical Duty Hours

Your institution may require learners to log clinical duty hours in Elentra.

To input clinical duty hours:

Step 1: Navigate to your person icon> Duty Hours. You will be directed to a list of clinical courses you are enrolled in (or have been in previous semesters). 


Step 2: Click on 'Log Hours' for the course you'd like to log your hours for. 

Step 3: Input your duty hours data:


  • Hours Type:  Your options may vary from the image shown above.  Your institution may only require you to log certain hours types.
  • Encounter Date: Enter the date and start time of your clinical time.
  • Hours: Enter your hours with up to 2 decimal places (IE, 1.25 hours)
  • Comments: Your institution may ask for specific commentary here.

Click 'Submit' to complete the entry. 

Step 4: You will be directed to a calendar view of your duty hours that have been logged for this course. 


This page can also be accessed by navigating to your Duty Hours menu and clicking on the name of the course.  From this page, you can:

  • Log another duty hours entry for this course
  • Edit existing entries
  • View previous months' calendar of duty hours entries.