Learner Use of Portfolios

Portfolios is a location where learners can submit files, reflections and surveys for advisors to review and provide feedback.

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Within the Portfolios Module, learners can submit files, text, and assessments for review, while advisors can provide feedback and request resubmission if needed.

To Access, navigate to the User menu > Portfolios. You will land on your Portfolios dashboard. 


Each portfolio the learner is assigned to will show an overview of all tasks, including the below information:

  • Name
  • Active Curriculum Period
  • Unread Comments
  • Total Entries
  • Not Submitted Entries
  • Overdue Entries

Once a Portfolio is accessed, learners will be able to see a comprehensive list of tasks linked to the portfolio, providing them with a quick overview of the current status of each submission.


Click into the title of a task to complete a portfolio entry.  In this page, there are two distinct sections: Entries, where students can upload files, and Comments, where dialogue between the learner and advisor is documented.


Upon submission of an entry, advisors will promptly receive notifications regarding the submission for review and can initiate discussions with the learner.

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Submitting a Task

There are three ways that a learner can submit a task. A learner can choose between uploading a file, adding a text entry in the user interface, or completing a form attached to the task in the user interface. The following outlines the steps to take to use each of these options.

File Submission

Step 1: Click into appropriate task to open submission workflow Entries Page  

Step 2: Select Add Entry

Step 3: Browse Files

Step 4: Select Applicable file

Step 5: Click Submit

Step 6: Add Comments on comment tab if necessary. 

The task will now show status as Pending Review, and will include submission date. 

Text Entry

Step 1: Click into appropriate task to open submission workflow Entries Page  

Step 2: Select Add Entry

Step 3: Enter applicable text. Formatting and image upload are available to complement the entry.

Step 4: Click Submit

The task will now show status as Pending Review, and will include submission date. 

Form Entry

Step 1: Click into appropriate task to open submission workflow Entries Page  

Step 2: Select Add Entry

Step 3: Enter applicable text, or select applicable fields in the selected form

Step 4: Click Submit

The task will now show status as Pending Review, and will include submission date. 

Once the learner has submitted the task, their advisor will promptly receive notifications for review and can initiate discussions with them.  These can be reviewed within the Comments section of the Entries tabs.

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Complete a Resubmission Request

Resubmission requests will appear in red on your portfolio's tasks list. To complete the request, navigate to the task's Entries tab and click the + Entry button. 


Complete the required submission & click Submit.  Your new submission will appear as Pending Review.

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Review Entry Feedback

Once a portfolio entry has been reviewed and accepted by your advisor, you will see the green Reviewed status next to the task. Click on the task to view a link to your advisor's completed feedback form.  


Alternatively, feedback may have been provided for you in a comment on the portfolio entry.

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