Introduction to Document Requests

Admin users can collect files from Learners within their organization

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Document Requests Overview

The Document Requests module allows Admin users to collect files from Learners within their organization, which may then be used to satisfy certain registration requirements (e.g. to participate in clinical experiences). The workflow begins with an Admin user creating a new Document Request, which is then sent to any Learners assigned to the request through the Audience field (either directly by selecting specific Learners, or via Cohorts). The Learners then each respond to the request by submitting an appropriate file, which the Admin user can then review and either approve or request another submission from the Learner.

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The Document Requests module can be accessed by users with the following Admin roles:

Medtech: Admin
Staff: Admin

Student:Student users are able to respond to document requests.

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In order to use the Document Requests module, it must be enabled in the `elentra_me.settings` table.
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Database Settings 

Database Setting Description
manage_documents_enabled (value of 1) Be able to use the Document Requests module.

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