Email notifications are sent when a user has a relevant task to take action on
Email Notification Overview
Elentra automatically sends email notifications to users when they have an Assessment and Evaluation task to complete or review.
Distribution Tasks
For tasks scheduled via distribution, assessors/evaluators will receive one email notification overnight with all new tasks linked in the body of the email. The timing of when specific tasks will trigger an email will depend on how the distribution is configured (e.g., the task delivery date set, the timing of learning events for event-based distributions, dynamic delivery settings for rotation-based distributions). Note that if a delegation-based distribution has been created, when a delegator forwards a task to a user, a distinct email will immediately be sent for that task.
For user-initiated, on-demand tasks, email notifications will be created when the initiating user submits the form and the task moves to a new owner (i.e., assessor).
Other circumstances that can generate email notifications for a task include:
- A program administrator sends a reminder for a specific task;
- A task is forwarded from one user to another user.
Course directors, program administrators, and users set to receive prompted response notifications for specific distributions will also receive email notifications when they have tasks to review. This could include:
- In a CBME context, when any user completing a form has answered "Yes" to a concern item on a CBME form generated from a form template (i.e. Supervisor Form, Field Note Form, Procedure Form)
- When a user has indicated an answer configured as a prompted response on an item, when the form containing that item is included in a distribution configured to have prompted response notifications.
Database Setting |
Description | Default Setting |
Defines whether or not to include names of users in prompted response notifications in A&E items
unauthenticated_internal_assessments |
Impacts email notifications sent to assessors. If enabled, allows distributed assessments to be completed by internal assessors without logging in via a unique hash provided via email.
disable_distribution_assessor_notifications |
This goes hand in hand with unauthenticated_internal_assessments and enable_distribution_assessor_summary_notifications. When using unauthenticated distribution assessments, you probably want an single summary email with a link to each task rather than an email for each new task. This disables the per-task reminders.
enable_distribution_assessor_summary_notifications |
This adjusts the emails for distribution assessments to have a nightly summary of all new tasks, and then a weekly summary of tasks that are still incomplete.