Disciplinary Actions & Formal Remediation

Record actions taken regarding learner behavior


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When an organization wishes to record disciplinary action taken in response to a student's behavior, they can do so using the Discipline feature, or Formal Remediation feature, of the student's user profile.
Note: The Manage Incident feature might also be useful in this context and more information about Manage Incidents can be found in the User Management help section. Note that whereas Incidents is available to use with any user, Discipline is available only on student user profiles. By default learners can not see their own discipline or remediation records through Elentra and such records are only accessible by users with admin roles.


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Disciplinary Actions

To begin, navigate to the user profile.  On the left side panel under Student Management, click on Disciplinary Actions, then Add Disciplinary Action.

discplinaryactionEnter in the Details of the disciplinary action and click Add Action.  Previously logged actions will appear below.  

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Formal Remediation

To begin, navigate to the user profile.  On the left side panel under Student Management, click on Formal Remediation, then Add Formal Remediation

formalremediationEnter in the Details of the formal remediation and click Add Remediation.  Previously logged remediations will appear below.  

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