Create and Manage Portfolios

Create and Manage repositories for learners and advisors to request, review and store portfolio entries


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Portfolio Creation Overview

The Portfolio itself is the highest level “container” of the tasks that learners will complete to fulfill their Portfolio requirements. Assignment of learners to their respective advisor occurs at this level, by an administrator.  Tasks are then created within the portfolio, for students to complete.  The advisors can then review submissions, provide feedback, and accept or send back the portfolio submission by the student.  

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Create a Portfolio 

Step 1: Navigate to Admin Menu > Manage Portfolios.

Step 2: Click the + beside 'Add New Portfolio' and provide the required information.

Step 3: Enter the Portfolio Name. This is required and will be displayed to both learners and advisors. Portfolio names are static and will apply to all versions, as you roll over portfolios for each new curriculum period (similar to course names). 

Tip: Establish consistent naming conventions for your portfolios that will remain unchanged throughout their lifecycle, allowing for seamless rollover from year to year.  Consider the following examples of portfolios that will remain unchanged:

Example 1: Your institution has an ungraded clinical component requiring learners to submit clinical notes to advisors for commentary and review.  Each year, students establish new advisor relationships. The following naming convention could be used for each Portfolio.

  • Establish a portfolio titled "Clinical Notes Year 1" and configure the audience and curriculum period in the Portfolio to align with the Year 1 structure for the incoming cohort of first-year learners. 
  • Create another portfolio named "Clinical Notes Year 2" and apply the appropriate curriculum period & audience for your Year 2 learners.  Repeat this process for each year as required. 
  • When rolling over each portfolio for the next academic term, you must update the curriculum period and the portfolio audience, and establish the new audience's advisor relationships. 

Example 2: Your institution creates Career Advisory relationships that span the full four years of a learner's academic journey within your program.  The following naming convention could be used.

  • Create a portfolio named "Career Advisory Class of 20XX" starting in the first year of a learner's academic program for the cohort/audience of your choosing. 
  • When the learners progress to the next year, roll over the same portfolio audience into the appropriate curriculum period; maintaining the same learner-advisor relationships. 
  • This will create a single "Career Advisory" portfolio for each learner cohort, allowing for task tracking across academic years. New incoming cohorts will require a new portfolio named "Career Advisory Class of 20XX."

Step 4: Enter required Curriculum Layout & Period.

Step 5: Enter required audience - Select at least one of the 3 available Audience Types. Multiple Audiences can be selected. There are no restrictions on combining any of the three. The Audience field determines which Learners will have access to the Portfolio, once it has been set as ‘Visible to Learners’. Learners can be added via the different audience channels:

  • Cohorts (pulls a list of all Cohorts in the organization)
  • Course Groups (pulls a scoped list of Groups based on the Course selected and the active Curriculum Period)
  • Individual Learners (pulls a list of all active Learners in the current organization). 

Step 6: Click Next once your audience has been configured.

Advisor Relationship Setup

On this page, you will configure the learner-advisor relationships. You can optionally select one or more secondary advisors to act as a backup to the primary advisor. 

Step 7: Configure your primary Advisor, and optionally, Secondary Advisor(s). 

Step 8: Select the applicable learner(s) from Unassigned Learners list. (This list will be generated based on your selection in the Audience section of the previous page).

Step 9: Click Create Relationship.  The relationship details will appear below.

Step 10: Repeat this process until all learners have been assigned to an advisor.

Step 11: Click Next. 

If an error was made during this step,  select the elipsis on the top right hand side of the list beside the collapsible arrow, and edit or delete the data.

Finish Tab

Your portfolio will be successfully created. The Publish to Learners toggle will appear. This can be selected now, or once you have added all Learner tasks associated with the portfolio. 

Note: If System Notifications have been enabled, learners will be notified when a portfolio is made visible to them, even if no portfolio tasks have been created. 

To proceed with assigning tasks to learners, click on the "Start Adding Learner Tasks" button. Tasks can be added immediately, or you can navigate back to the Portfolios list and edit at a later date. 

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Adding Tasks to Portfolios

To initiate the task creation process, Admins can navigate from the Portfolio creation workflow or simply click on a Portfolio from the main page in the module to access the Tasks page. Next, they can click on the blue + button to begin the Task creation workflow.

Step 1: Add a Task Label to group related tasks.This is required and will be displayed to both learners and faculty advisors.

Step 2: Enter required audience - Select at least one of the 3 available Audience Types. Multiple Audiences can be selected (list will be generated based on your selection in the Audience section of the Portfolio setup tab).

  • Cohorts
  • Course Groups: select Course, then select Course Group within 
  • Individual Learners

Add Task Details 

Step 3: Enter Task Name (required).

Step 4: Enter Task Description (required).

Step 5: Select Task Type (required).

  • Text: Learners type responses.
  • File: Learners upload one or more files, up to a specified number
  • Form: Learners complete a specific form

Step 6: Attach advisor assessment form (optional). If included, the advisor will be prompted to use the form to provide the learner with feedback on their submission.

Step 7:  Select Due Date (optional).

Step 8: Click Add Another Task and repeat steps 3 - 7, OR click Next .

Step 9:  Once completed, you will be directed to the Finish Tab, and receive a success confirmation message. 

Note: Additional tasks can be added after the initial setup.

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Edit an Existing Portfolio

Step 1: Navigate to Admin>Manage Portfolios.

Step 2: Click the blue ellipsis button in the Edit column for the relevant portfolio.

Step 3: Select Edit. 

Step 4: Navigate through the tabs to access relevant information required to edit. 

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View a Portfolio Dashboard

Step 1: Navigate to Admin>Manage Portfolios.  

Step 2: Click on the name of the portfolio you want to review.  You will land on the portfolio's admin dashboard. portfolioadmindashboard

The existing tasks will display in a table format, with a summary view of tasks that have been reviewed, are pending review, and overdue. From this page, you can:

  • Click into a portfolio task to see submission and review status for each learner
  • Add more tasks to the portfolio
  • Roll over the portfolio
  • Search for tasks
  • Filter by task type
  • Navigate to other curriculum periods associated with this portfolio
  • Toggle the learner visibility of the portfolio on and off

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Delete an Existing Portfolio

Step 1: Navigate to Admin>Manage Portfolios.

Step 2: Select the ellipsis to the right of the portfolio.

Step 3: A popup will appear with warning “You are about to delete this portfolio and all its contents".

Step 4: Click into checkbox to the left of the warning.

Step 5: Confirm your choice by clicking Delete.

Step 6: You will see a success message that the portfolio was deleted and be returned to the Manage Portfolios screen.

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Notifications for the Portfolios module are available within the System Notifications module (currently in Beta).  Contact your Elentra Account Manager for more details.

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