Release 24.03.26

March 26th, 2024 Elentra Releases


Release to production effective March 26th, 2024.

Fixed a bug where Notices were not viewable for Medtech admin users of some institutions

Previously, Medtech admin users of some institutions were unable to see notices when navigating to Admin > Manage Notices and attempting to view previously published notices due to them not appearing. Now, this has been fixed and Notices are displaying for all Medtech admin users as expected.

Fixed a bug where custom start and end dates were not appearing as columns in the exported CSV files of block schedules

Previously, when attempting to export a CSV of a rotation schedule for two week and four week block schedules, the custom start and end dates weren’t getting populated in the exported CSV as columns. Now, this has been fixed and those columns are populating into the rotation schedule’s CSV import as expected.

If you have any questions about the above-listed information, please contact If you see a feature that is not currently being used within your instance of Elentra and you are interested in learning more about it, please contact your Elentra Account Manager for more information.