Release 23.11.28

November 28th, 2023 Elentra Releases


Release to production effective November 28th, 2023.

Lotteries closure date is now displaying the proper date to users

Previously, if an Admin user were to close a lottery swapping stage and then a learner were to try and view what day this stage was closed, it would wrongly display the rotation’s end date instead of the swapping stage's closing date. Now, this has been fixed and the swapping stage's closing date is displaying as expected to users.

Fixed Location names from not displaying properly after being edited

Previously, after editing a Location's name by clicking the edit pencil in Manage Locations, the updated name wasn’t being displayed in the Manage Locations list view afterwards. Now, this has been fixed and the Locations name will change accordingly after being edited. 

Fixed a bug where Gradebook grades weren’t displaying until the page was refreshed

Previously, when a faculty member entered a grade in their own Gradebook Grading Tasks for a student, the entered grade wouldn’t afterwards display on the list until the page was refreshed. Now, this has been fixed and the entered grade displays on the page immediately after submitting it, as expected.

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