Release 23.05.09

May 9th, 2023 Elentra Releases


Release to production effective May 9th, 2023.

Fixed a typo on the "Launch Respondus Browser" Button

Previously, when a student navigated to the Exam tab under their Profile badge and attempted to launch the Respondus Lockdown Browser, they would see a button labeled "Lauch Respondus Lockdown Browser" instead of "Launch Respondus Lockdown Browser". Now, after the bug fix, the button is correctly labeled as "Launch Respondus Lockdown Browser".

Fixed an Ampersand Display Issue in Timezone Dropdown Description

Previously, when accessing the Timezone dropdown, the Timezone dropdown was displaying ampersands as & instead of & for time zones containing this character. Now, the issue has been fixed and ampersands are displayed properly in the Time zone dropdown.

Fixed Delay in Updating Deleted/Added Locations in Manage Locations

Previously, there was an issue in which deleting or adding a Location under Manage Locations didn't take effect immediately upon the page refreshing, and the page had to be manually refreshed to reflect the changes. Now, when a Location is deleted or added under Manage Locations, the page will refresh automatically, and the deleted/added location will disappear/appear immediately without the need for manual refresh.

Fixed Turnitin Options from being Duplicated in Assignment Setup UI

Previously, when setting up an assignment in the Assignment Setup UI, the Turnitin options setup appeared twice, causing confusion and potential errors. Now, the Turnitin options setup appears only once in the Assignment Setup UI as intended.

The Upload File Field Now Correctly Displays the File Upload Limit in Document Requests

Previously, when uploading a file in the Document Request module, the upload prompt would increase the maximum number of files than can be uploaded every time a file was re-uploaded, after the existing one was removed, despite the field only allowing one file upload. This also happened if a new request was created without navigating away from the Document Request module. Each new request would increase the file upload count by one. Now, the upload prompt to users correctly reads "Drop a maximum of 1 file here to upload". This fix ensures that the upload field only allows one file upload at a time, as it should.

Fixed Duplicate Title Tags from Appearing When Hovering Over Action Buttons

Previously, when a user hovered over an action button, a redundant second overlay would appear after a few seconds. Now, when a user hovers over an action button, only a single overlay appears with the appropriate action text.

Fixed Rotations Missing from Block View when Student’s were Booked into Multiple Rotations

Previously, when a student who was booked into multiple Rotations in a Rotation Schedule viewed their Rotation Calendar, they would only see one Rotation in the Block View. Now, all booked Rotations for a student appear on their schedule in Block View. This ensures that students have a complete view of their scheduled Rotations.

Users can now add a Drop Box to an Assessment in Gradebook

Previously, when a user attempted to add a Drop Box to an Assessment in Gradebook, the page did not load, preventing them from configuring the Drop Box. Now, the issue has been resolved, and users can add a drop box to an Assessment in Gradebook as expected. The page will load correctly, and users can configure the drop box to receive learner submissions.

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