Release 23.01.24

January 24th, 2023 Elentra Releases


Release to production effective January 31st, 2023.

When adding a new Notice, the ”Confirm” button is now operational while using a Faculty>Director account.

Previously, the “Confirm” button at the bottom of the Add Notice page within the Manage Notices module was unable to be clicked on when attempting to add a new notice. This occurred while using a Faculty>Director account, despite the necessary fields already being filled in. Now, the “Confirm” button can be clicked by the user, and the newly created notice is able to be submitted.

The “Apply the same grade to all learners in the selected groups” checkbox within the Exam Post settings is now reflecting what was selected during configuration.

Previously, the Exam Post’s configuration checkbox “Apply the same grade to all learners in the selected groups” within the Audience tab, as well as its corresponding entry in the table on the Review tab, would always be automatically entered as a selected “Yes”, despite not checking off this box during set-up. Now, after the post has been saved, both the box and the table entry will correspond properly with what was selected during configuration process as expected.

Gradebook assignment pages are now able to be loaded without issues.

Previously, when attempting to access Gradebook assignments as a course director, the page was failing to load its content unless that assignment page was refreshed multiple times. Now, individual Gradebook assignments can be accessed and loaded without any loading errors occurring.

Fixed the Gradebook's Grade Spreadsheet NAN error which prevented cumulative and weighted totals from displaying.

Previously, there was an issue in the Grade Spreadsheet where cumulative or weighted totals were sometimes being replaced with a text that read “NAN” or “No assessments could be found for this gradebook for this cohort”. Now, the cumulative and weighted totals are being calculated and displayed in the Grade Spreadsheet as expected, without the NAN error occurring.

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